Additional Fields of a Published Database

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Additional Fields of a Published Database

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The QDVPublishedDatabases table of a SQL Server Article and Set database can be extended with extra columns:

Description, more explicit than the name, which usually contains a short manufacturer code

Date of edition


When selecting the database in QDV7, the description shows in place of the name and the date if any.




if not exists(select * from sys.all_columns where (name = 'description' or name = 'db_date') and object_id = object_id('QDVPublishedDatabases')) begin

 alter table dbo.QdvPublishedDatabases

 add description nvarchar(50) not null CONSTRAINT DF_QDVPublishedDatabases_Description DEFAULT '',

 db_date datetime not null CONSTRAINT DF_QDVPublishedDatabases_db_date DEFAULT '1900-01-01'


 exec('update QdvPublishedDatabases set description = name')
