Specialized Databases

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Specialized Databases

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If several trades or professions are involved, it may be handy to have specialized databases.

To build as many set databases as trades or professions, you must filter the WBS on the fly.



Click the Build button.

If a selling prices database has be defined (option 5), QDV7 prompts to empty the preexisting articles database and presents the WBS task by task:

To enroll the presented task in the preexisting database, click Record; this selects the next task  

To discard the presented task from the preexisting database, click Skip; this selects the next task.


Then QDV7 prompts to empty the preexisting set database and presents the WBS task by task; proceed as above. Take the same splitting as for the articles database.  

At last, click OK, then Close.

In the event you have not recorded all the tasks, repeat with another triplet/duet of databases.



- The quantity is missing in a row of the WBS or the Minutes view

- A WBS task has no Item

- The Total mode in some cases.

ico_tipSplitting further the estimate is a good means to locating the error.