Training Plan for Administrators

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Training Plan for Administrators

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For whom is this plan intended?

This training plan is dedicated to administrators and resellers. It browses all software major features.


Requested Skills


Basic knowledge (browsing folders, permissions on files and folders, setting up locales, etc.)

Basic knowledge of Microsoft Active Directory, of creation of groups, users, permissions, etc.

Basic knowledge of databases (tables, records, columns, etc.) if remote databases are used.



Basic knowledge of Excel™ and Word™

Excel: knowledge of functions such as VLOOKUP, HLOOKUP, TEXT, of formatting features, range naming and pivot tables are required

Word is mostly used for merging purposes, so it is helpful when knowing how to format merging fields.


For those who intend to directly interface QDV7 with CRMs and ERPs, a programming language (C# or VB .NET) is worth knowing. This is not needed if you just intend to specify the needs to a programmer.


Requested Hardware and Software

To be efficient, a trainee should have a computer with Windows 10 or 11 installed. For preceding OSs, install the version 7.21 from

Microsoft Office 2013 or further is required.

Framework .NET 4.5.2 is required, regardless of the system.

For those who intend to work with SQL Server databases:

SQL Server Express is required. Make sure it is based on SQL Server 2012

SQL Server Management Studio is required to browse databases.


For those who intend to work with Oracle or Informix databases, the related development tools are required.


warning Administrator's rights are required to install QDV7. However, if QDV7 is already installed, only "write rights" to its installation directory are required; this ensures that all trainees have the same version of the product. (Refer to Upgrading Without Administrator's Rights.)


If file paths longer than 260 chars might be used, you need in Windows 10 (since version 1607) to:

Set the longPathAware element in the application manifest as follows

<application xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v3">

   <windowsSettings xmlns:ws2="">


   </windowsSettings> </application>

Set to 1 the registry key Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\FileSystem\LongPathsEnabled (Type: REG_DWORD).

After the first call to a Win32 file of this kind, the system caches the key value per process; it will not be reloaded during the lifetime of the process; as some processes may have started before the key was set, a reboot might be required In order for all apps on the system to recognize the value of the key. Alternatives:

- paste the following code to a .reg file or use the PowerShell command from a terminal window with elevated privileges:

New-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\FileSystem" -Name "LongPathsEnabled" -Value 1 -PropertyType DWORD -Force

- set the Group Policy: Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > System > Filesystem > Enable Win32 long paths.


What Level is Expected at the End?

Trainees will be able to

analyze the needs of a customer, regardless of their trade

import almost any Excel calculation scheme and optimize computing times

optimize the implementation for all the specific cases

understand how QDV7 Portfolio integrates in existing information systems.