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Class Estimate


This class defines an Estimate object which is used to read or write data from / to an estimate file. It exposes several properties and methods.

You must create a variable of this class to carry out operations on an estimate file.


Class Mapping


Use this class to return mapping of columns from an estimate using functions GetMappingForWBS() and GetMappingFromMinutes(). This class is used to build tables containing definition for the fields. It contains, for each field, the following:


FieldMnemonic As String is the mnemonic of the field

FieldIsNumeric As Boolean tells if the field contains numbers or texts

FieldText As String receives text value when FieldIsNumeric is false

FieldNumber As Double receives numeric value when FieldIsNumeric is true

ReadField As Boolean Set this flag to tell the component that you want to return this field when you pass a mapping to the GetDataFromWBS() or GetDataFromMinutes() functions



Class Message


Use this class to get messages when the dll is invoked by a web page (context asp .net).