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ReadOnly Property IsInitialized() As Integer


This property returns 0 when the component is not initialized and 1 when the component is initialized.






ReadOnly Property EstimateFullPath() As String


This property returns the full path (including file name) to the estimate. This property is set when you the GetEstimate() method is invoked and each time the estimate is saved.



Property CostNeedsRecalc() As Integer


This property lets you read or set the flag telling if cost needs to be computed. When value is 1, all cells depending on costs and selling prices are set to #N/A in the estimate so that full estimate has to be computed. If you set this flag, you must call the SaveEstimate() function afterward to have it taken into account.

Value 0 = Cost is properly computed

Value 1 = Cost need to be computed


NOTE The function always applies to current version because you cannot store a version whose costs or selling prices are not computed.



Property CostNeedsRecalc() As Integer


This property lets you read or set the flag telling if selling price needs to be computed. When value is 1, all cells depending on selling prices are set to #N/A in the estimate so that selling prices in the estimate has to be computed. If you set this flag, you must call the SaveEstimate() function afterward to have it taken into account.


Value 0 = Selling Price is properly computed

Value 1 = Selling Price need to be computed


NOTE The function always applies to current version because you cannot store a version whose costs or selling prices are not computed.