How to Make an Insertion

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How to Make an Insertion

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In the Excel-like worksheets, you can insert blank cells above or to the left of the active cell of any free worksheet in the overhead.

When you insert blank cells, QDV7 shifts other cells in the same column down or cells in the same row to the right to accommodate the new cells. Similarly, you can insert rows above a selected row and columns to the left of a selected column. You can also delete cells, rows, and columns.

In the Minutes view, you can insert blank rows above the selection, according to the count of rows you selected first. You can also insert one blank row below the current position of the cursor.

To drive the cursor automatically in the Minutes view/Nomenclatures, check the box File>Options>Editing>Move cursor to next row/column after entry in the Minutes/Nomenclatures.

To drive the cursor automatically in the Expanded WBS, check the box File>Options>Editing>Move cursor to next row/column after entry in the WBS.


When you insert cells on a worksheet, all references that are affected by the insertion adjust accordingly, whether they are relative or absolute cell references. The same behavior applies to deleting cells, except when a deleted cell is directly referenced by a formula. If you want references to adjust automatically, it's a good idea to use range references whenever appropriate in your formulas, instead of specifying individual cells.

You can insert cells that contain data and formulas by copying or cutting the cells, right-clicking the location where you want to paste them, and then clicking Paste special (or menu Home>Paste); this applies NEITHER in the Articles and Data sheets in a set database, NOR in the WBSs (except in the bottom area of the Expanded WBS).

Bitmap pictures can be pasted anywhere except to In-Row Workbooks.

To quickly repeat the action of inserting a cell, click the location where you want to insert the cell, and then press CTRL+Y.


More on this How to Add Columns