Projects Editor

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Projects Editor

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The Projects Editor features several tabs. In the Estimate tab, several functions are available.


Select a header, right click and select Move to ..., Show/hide, ...

Several free columns can be grouped under a common header: in the Fields Manager, enter any parent name in the Grouping column.



To format the dates, select Home>Format>Format cells>Date.

To format the Estimate Numbers, select Administration>Numbering Rules. See Settings.



The Edit button-indicator features three states:


The selected row is


Available buttons in addition to Link to Estimate

Click the button ...



To edit the selected row, click New, or right-click and select Edit row


Ready for edition

The selected row can be edited

Create Estimate if the path is defined, Open Estimate otherwise

once to exit the Edit mode


Already edited

To edit the selected row, right-click and select Edit row

once to enter the Edit mode, twice to enable Open Estimate instead if the path is defined


If you click Link to an Estimate already assigned to an estimate other than the selected one, you are warned and if you continue, the title of both estimates is deleted.

To cleanse the list of the rows without title, click Refresh List.

If, in the Estimating module, you save a linked estimate to another folder, a message invites you to update the Management module accordingly.



1.Click Create filter; this opens a bottom pane with a multiple form

2.If desired, rename the filter in the combo

3.Fill in the form:

Column: scroll-down list (the selection determines which other columns can be filled)

Value (filter for fields with discrete values or numbers): double click and pick a value in the shown list of existing values

From and To (filter for numeric fields and dates): enter the lower and upper values of the range.    


Once the form is filled out, click Apply Filter. This

narrows the list

turns the toggler to On

classifies the list by default, i.e. according to the Estimate Number.


The filter is automatically saved.



To order the projects according to a field, double click the related header (which gets the >> mark). Repeat to reverse the order.

To order the projects AND interspese sub-total rows, create a "filter" as above, but fill in ALL the following fields  

Column (with discrete values if you need sub-totals)

Sorting: list None/Primary sorting/Secondary sorting (select a primary key, then, if the need arises, a secondary one)

Prim/Sec Sub Total : double click to show the box to check if the Estimated Price and Price must be totaled in interspesing rows in addition to the grand total.


- If you select a date or a numerical column, and select Primary sorting, this may work, but double-clicking the header is preferable

- The digits are classified before the letters; / is before –.


To restore the full list, click Display All. This returns to the default order, i.e. according to the Estimate Number.  

To modify a filter, select it in the combo and tick the box in the lower right corner.

To delete a filter, select it in the combo and click Delete Filter.