Building the Frame of the Lower Window

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Building the Frame of the Lower Window

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By default, the close-up in the Lower Window features the label and value of the fields Description, Unit, Quantity, Costs, Incidence, Selling Prices.

Who can set up the frame: an administrator or a user entitled to Edit the bottom panes (Refer to User Profiles.).

To set up the frame:

1.Display the lower window (Refer to Focussing On a Node.)

2.Right-click in the bottom window and select Configure bottom pane; this opens the window as a spreadsheet

3.To insert a row, a column or a cell, select Home>Edit>Insert; the format is the one of the main window, but can be changed

4.To delete a row, a column or a cell, select Home>Edit>Delete

5.Fill the grid by assigning to cells a label or the related field: right-click a cell, select Paste Name and assign as detailed hereunder (after clicking OK or double clicking, the name must NOT show, otherwise redo it)

6.To return to the normal mode, right-click anywhere and select Save and Close; as a result, one layout applies to all the nodes.


Assignment by right-clicking a cell:

to display a label in a cell, select its name in the LABEL sub-list  

to display a value of the current node in a cell, select the field name in the VALUE sub-list.



If the need arises, select the column and drag the right border of the reference cell to adjust the width

If the need arises, modify the fonts, colors and alignment (toolbar Home>Font and Alignment)

To change the colors of a row, a column or a cell, select Home>Edit>Format>Format Cells>Fill or Home>Font>bucket.


For a non administrator to restore the layout set by the administrator, they must click Configure bottom pane, right-click and select Restore default view.  



- The fields do not have to be in the main view, but must be visible as per User Profiles

- A mnemonic can be used several times

- Global Variables are allowed in

- To see the underlying formula, click the cell twice (return by pressing Enter):


warning Increase the width and/or height of cells that may receive long texts, otherwise the beginning may be invisible.