Overhead Sheet Ranges

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Overhead Sheet Ranges

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Using ranges is a way to develop the estimate's data source. From each valid range, QDV7 builds an Excel sheet, therefore a table that can be used in a pivot table/chart.


Range Definition


Natively QDV7 names two or three ranges in native sheets (including those with a list for overhead) depending on the number of areas:

<sheet name>_Global_Range_Base for the Core area

<sheet name>_Global_Range_Options for the Optional area  

<sheet name>_Global_Range_Overhead for the Minute Overhead area.



To build a table and define a usable range:

1.Insert a heading

2.For each cell, in the formula box, refer to a native overhead sheet and a cell of its

3.Select the whole table (at least 3 columns)

4.In Edit mode, click Overhead>Automation>Manage Names

5.Click the New Name button

6.Give the range a name starting with REPORT_ and close

7.Select the Expanded WBS and click View>Analytics>Create Data Source; this opens a dialog box

8.Make sure the user sheet is listed out in 'Fields in Data Source'>OVERHEAD_RANGES (there are as many underlying rows as there are valid ranges in the sheet).


Appearance in the Data Source

After the Source Database building, click the buttons Reporting Engine, then Open Data Source. This opens a workbook.


If a box has been checked in the OVERHEAD_RANGES section, the ranges in the related sheet appear in the Source database in the Type_Of_Area column of the NR_<sheet name> sheet.

NOTE The overhead columns appear also in the WBSData tab (if the related boxes have been checked in the DETAILED_FIELDS section), but Minute by Minute.



If a box has been kept checked in the OVERHEAD_RANGES section, the ranges in the related sheet appear in the Source database in the Range_Name column of the NR_<sheet name> sheet.


Designing a Report

For an Excel report, refer to Designing an Excel Report. Select the table in the sheet (including the heading) as the source of data.

To integrate the range into a Stimulsoft report, open the Designer from the dialog box.

In case there is no toolbar on the left, click the Page>Toolbox icon.



1.In the Insert toolbar, select Components, then Cross-bar (double click)

2.Drag & drop the pencil cursor to draw the frame

3.Double click an NR_ sheet in the list; this shows the fields list and three zones: Rows, Columns and Summary

4.To define the table, in the Cross-Tab thumbnail, move the tags as for an Excel pivot table.

In case there are a lot of pivot tables, consider speeding up the rendering with Events Management.



1.In the Insert toolbar, select Chart, then a visual

2.Drag & drop the pencil cursor to draw the frame

3.In the Chart tab, select the Data Source row, then and select the source

4.To define the metrics, in the Series tab, click every item in Value and Argument, then and select the related parameter.


Finally, select the My Reports tab and click Add report.