Settings of New Estimates

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Settings of New Estimates

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An estimate creation includes two steps:

1.Assignment of meta-data from a management system; this is an option and, by default, it is done later

2.Inheritance of settings (and data) from a master estimate.


To keep consistency between estimates, you should base the new estimates on a master estimate.

A new estimate inherits from its master (aka template or pattern) various data and settings:

Layout (frames)

Content (including global variables) except the Costs per unit and Times per unit

Version number

Security settings and permissions

Language, the settings in the Options menu (default folders)

Owners (Task Sharing).


It does NOT inherit the other options (VAT, rounding, colors) nor the behavior related to the management system.

It does NOT inherit the SP calculation mode: in the new estimate, it is always Overhead only.

Hence, it does NOT inherit the Sheet of Sales (neither layout, nor parameters), which depends on the user profile.


Basic settings applied when there is no master:

Language: the one from the ribbon

Only the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th boxes are checked in Calculation Options

Rounding: 1/100

Meta-data are recorded when calculating selling prices

Report profile: last used.


To preset the value in the menu item Save as, create the variables GLV_Force_File_Name and GLV_Force_File_Path (e.g. D: or D:\). (Refer to Global Variables.)


Enrolling Masters

Prerequisite (optional):

1.Open the estimate from which you want to derive a master

2.Select File>Tools>Current Estimate>Estimate with no data (Template)

3.As prompted, save the template to another name (and/or location); this keeps the columns (hence the free fields), the Kind IDs, the GV_ variables (and their value), the favorite databases of the blueprint estimate, but erases the numerical values (except for the workforce rates).



1.In the File toolbar, click Tools>General>New estimate settings

2.In the dialog box, click Append file... and enroll QDV7 estimates or templates as potential masters; the name and path to the master display in the list

3.Click OK.


Alternative: enter the full path in the text box. It can be a relative path with a folder name replaced by <USER_NAME>, <PROFILE_PATH>, <TEMP_PATH>, <DESKTOP_PATH>, <MY_DOCUMENTS_PATH>, <INSTALL_PATH>, <CUSTOM_PATH> or <INTERNAL> and followed by \.

To move a master estimate within the list, click either arrow in the right hand side.

To preset the behavior on clicking File>New, drop down the dialog box using the toggle button More Settings/blue arrow:





Settings source







Full path (absolute or relative)





Useless when a Management database/module exists



How to synchronize QDV7  with ProMo+






The behavior on clicking New in QDV7 depends on the state of boxes:

Prompt for a name

Open Management module




QDV7 asks for master/settings and saves the file as a temporary file



QDV7 asks for master/settings, then a name


You are invited to select/enter a row in the Management module before creation.

Click Create, then QDV7 asks for settings.


More on this How to Create an Estimate

More on this Settings