Report Profiles

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Report Profiles

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A profile is a template that defines the report layout (pages, extra columns, extra rows, report language, flags, Managed Data, ...).

The collection of profiles (.pfl files) is not attached to any estimate.

To create a profile:

1.Define a report (first instance) (Refer to Reports)

2.Select Save Report

3.Name the profile; now it shows in Load report>Recently used reports.  


Sharing profiles: if you have created in the installation directory a DefaultFolderForReports.inf file stating paths, e.g. X:\Reports, QDV7 does NOT scans the installation directory for profiles to show via Load Report>Favorite reports. Then save the new profiles in this or these directories.

If you do NOT select Save Report, the current profile is still saved, in Users/<user name>/AppData/Roaming/QDV/common (Vista shortcut: %appdata%) or Documents & Settings/<user name>/Application Data/Local setting/Temp (Windows XP) and named LastUsedReportProfile<report type>. To retrieve it later, select Load Report>Browse



- The structure is saved only if selected by level in the drop-down list of the dialog box (do not select Manual)

- Each user can create his/her own report profiles. They can be shared on a network

- An administrator can save his/her profiles in the installation folder and deploy them using Publishing QDV; the bidders cannot modify them.


To access it later, select Load Report. To select several profile files at one time, hold down the Shift/Ctrl key.

To prevent any change in a profile, refer to Locking Reports Profiles.

To quickly generate an Excel report from an existing profile and an Excel file with an empty sheet named REPORT_Profile:

1.Open the estimate

2.Invoke the 'Populate Excel file with Report' macro (see Macros), that is available in the Multi_Language_Sample_With_Documents sample

3.Select the Excel file as file source and the profile

4.Click the Export button and name the Excel file target.