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Histogram of a 2-column range

Define a range with at least a numerical column (refer to Range of Cells) and remember the name (it can be retrieved, in edit mode, in the Names combo box in the upper left corner).

To insert a chart, as in Excel™, in a user sheet of the Overhead workbook or an in-row sheet of the Minutes:

1.Switch to Edit Mode

2.Right-click the starting cell and select Insert control>Chart

3.Right-click the blank chart and select Chart explorer

4.Enter the range name in Data Source>New data range, and press Enter


chart explorer




To move the chart, drag it.

To enlarge/shrink the chart, pull/push using a handle. The text is not transformed.


- If the range has three columns, the third one is rendered by colors and numbers 1, 2 etc. Plotting series by rows can be a better option

- For cash-flow curve, refer to Cash Flow Curve.